John “Miles” Cary
John W. Cary has been a working Photojournalist both staff and contract since the 1980’s.
Mr. Cary’s positions as a photojournalist have included;
– Deputy Director of Photography and Chief Photographer at the Chicago Sun-Times
– Staff Photographer /Bureau Chief with United Press International
– Staff Photographer for the Arkansas Gazette in Little Rock, Arkansas
– Staff Photographer for the Marietta Daily Journal and Neighbor Newspapers in Marietta, Georgia
– Picture Editor for the Peoria Journal Star in Peoria, Illinois.
He is co-founder of, the web property of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, as well as co-founder of the Digital division of the Chicago Sun-Times. Mr. Cary spent 20 years with the Chicago Sun-Times and 15 years in senior digital management at the company. During his 20-year tenure he held positions of Senior Director, Interactive for the Sun-Times News Group, Vice President, New Media for the Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper, Director of New Media for the Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper as well as Chief Photographer & Deputy Director of Photography for the Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper.
He has held positions as VP Digital products for both for The Nation magazine and then the American Assn of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) both in New York City.
Mr. Cary is a Marine corps veteran